What to do During a Hailstorm

Hail damage is an incredibly unfortunate consequence of summertime thunderstorms. Hail occurs when raindrops develop inside a cumulonimbus cloud. A mixture between hail and snow, the frozen raindrops get bigger and bigger until they have to fall from the clouds. Moist conditions in the spring, summer, and fall make it more likely for cumulonimbus clouds to form—the clouds linked to hailstorms. The stronger the storm, the bigger the hail. If there’s a big thunderstorm on the horizon and you don’t have a garage to protect your vehicle, you can follow these strategies to help lessen the hail damage.

Find Shelter

Being without a garage or other means for covered parking can be extremely disheartening during a hailstorm. If you’re out driving when a hailstorm hits, try to get to a parking garage, a gas station, or other covered parking spot. Even hanging out under an overpass until the storm passes can prevent hail damage if it’s safe to park there. If a friend or family member has an extra garage stall, parking there and riding out the storm will ensure your vehicle goes undamaged. If you’re in your car and exposed to the storm, cover yourself in a coat or a blanket to protect yourself in case the hail breaks through your windshield.

Invest in a Hail Car Cover

If you have no option other than to leave your vehicle parked outside when a major thunderstorm with the promise of hail looms, invest in a heavy-duty hail car cover and place it on your car before the storm begins. In a pinch, a blanket can work too. Some people have even used comforters, blow up rafts, industrial bubble wrap, foam mattress pads, and rugs. You may not be able to prevent all the damage, but a covering will certainly lessen the blow.

Protect your Windshield with Floor Mats

If you’ve forgotten your blankets and you don’t have a hail car cover, you can use your floor mats to cover your windshield.

Buy a Carport

If you’re in an area that gets hail frequently, a carport or other covered parking solution is worth the investment. Covered underneath the carport, you won’t need to worry about your vehicle suffering any hail damage

Invest in Comprehensive Car Insurance

Hail damage can get pretty costly, so ensure you have full coverage on your vehicle to help cover the repair costs.

Sometimes even with the best intentions and all hail damage prevention methods in place, your car may suffer hail damage. If that’s the case, you can reach out to the hail repair specialists at Dent & Ding Surgeon.